Sponsor A Species!

Guess what I learned at HustleCon... you can send a zebra to space

Okay so you need part of the zebra to send, but I'm so excited about this, and it's not just because I get to talk about #newspace#zebrasunite, and #hustlecon in the same post.  It's because we need to get kids excited about species preservation on earth and yes — that means frogs. And honeybees!

Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash

So here's the deal.  I'm pretty sure I talked the founder of LifeShip (who is super-cool by the way) into launching a "sponsor-a-species" program where you sponsor the DNA of a species to be stored on the moon. As Ben Haldeman, genius and entrepreneur pointed out, we lose up to 150 species a day on good ole' planet earth, and that's too many.  

So here's what I need from you guys.  I need you to like this post so that we can show Ben how many people want to sponsor a species, and I need scientists and zookeepers to sign up at todreamalife.com/sponsor-a-species to get their most presentable species on the list.  

That's right, your Ph.D. lichen, cuttlefish, roundworm, or radioactive mouse can now be stored on the moon!  Please, please, please somebody send me a scientist who has a zebra sample.  Please. 

#zebrasunite #todreamalife #sponsoraspecies #biodiversity #animalrights #conservation #endangeredspecies

Drea Burbank

I’m an MD-technologist consulting for high-tech in critical sectors.  Hire now →


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