Empulsive Ink

Empulsive Ink logo. Person with a halo, make a splash!

Empulsive Ink nonprofit

Empulsive Ink is a natural outgrowth of the prosocial projects ideated and built by the Todreamalife consulting group.

The Arizona nonprofit Empulsive Ink was created to address an unmet need. Many of our scientific and technical projects had prosocial applications, with the potential to become self-sustaining, but they were unattractive to venture capital because of their subject matter.

For instance:

  • Annual individual household donations to homelessness were $50 billion in 2018 but our social impact app Empulse which was sponsored by Stanford for digital donations and ethical AI was rejected the same year by hundreds of VC firms that year for not being in a “profitable” industry.

  • Our Web3 project Savimbo works in emerging markets for carbon offsets. Green-carbon and blue-carbon offsets are the only way to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide at scale. Currently, Bloomberg forecasts market demand at nearly 18 times current capacity. But Tesla was the most-shorted stock in the history of the NASDAQ. Investors have proven time-and-again that they have blinders on when it comes to high-tech and the environment.

We work on lots of products that are designed to scale to 10x growth and fit the traditional venture capital model. We also value sustainability in high-tech products, and believe in early revenue.

But sometimes we see opportunities that are quite simply prosocial — and are unlikely to be funded because of that.

Sometimes it’s not an either-or. Sometimes it’s a win-win and Empulsive Ink was created to support business models that venture capital is missing because of a win-lose mindset.



Some (but not all) of the Empulsive Ink contributors are listed below.


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